Monday, October 22, 2007

The Microsoft Office Word Team's Blog

All things that you need to know about Microsoft Office Word, from the Word team.

Check out the MSDN Word blog for tips, news, and more from Microsoft.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

ICDL at Stockholm College

At Stockholm College you are able to learn about the ICDL (International Computer Driving Licence) and ICDL Advanced. But there is also a chance for you how feel very comfortable with computers to read the Open ICDL yourself. The course material is free to download at

There is a difference between ECDL/ICDL certification (mainly based on Microsoft Office) and the Open ICDL (mainly for Open Source).

There is also a possibility to use the Open ICDL-material and get an ICDL-certification. Our teachers can help you with that.

Read more about ICDL at Stockholm College and other courses.