Thursday, May 31, 2007

One of the world's top spammers arrested

A 27-year-old man described as one of the world's top spammers was arrested Wednesday, a development that federal authorities said could lead to an immediate, perceptible decrease in the amount of junk e-mail winging its way across the Web.

Robert Alan Soloway has been hated for a long time all over the net. See specially

“Soloway used networks of compromised computers called "botnets" to send out unsolicited bulk e-mails urging people to use his Internet marketing company to advertise their products. People who clicked on a link in the e-mail were directed to his Web site, where he advertised two types of services. In one, he would agree to send out as many as 20 million e-mail advertisements over 15 days for $495, the indictment said”.

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